IS SANTA CLAUS A CHRISTMAS IDOL? SANTA CLAUS IS TAUGHT TO CHILDREN AS A GRAND OLD FICTITIOUS BEING, HAVING SPECIAL POWER OF BRINGING GOOD AND BLESSING CHILDREN. Webster's Dictionary defines an idol as an image, object or being that is greatly or excessively loved and admired. This word picture of man describes Santa Claus as an idol. God explains and describes an idol in His Word, Ex. 20:4, as either a graven (carved-out) object, or a being of the mind's creation of any likeness (characteristic) of God in heaven. Doesn't Santa Claus fit an idol's description, that has a God-like power to serve all the children of the world at Christmas? Society has even clothed it's idol to appear like a likeness of God, as Christ in heaven appeared to John in vision, that has a golden or (black) girdle girt about the body with the head and hairs appearing white like wool, white as snow and having a deep voice. Read it in Rev. 1:13-15. God says in Ex. 20:5 "Don't worship nor serve them, any of man's created God-like idols or gods," and in the last part of verse5, "this sin depicts hatred-hostility against God." God says He is a jealous God for His people and the creating of idols, as in Santa, shows not love as many professed Christians believe it does, but hatred and rebellion against God-Christ, Ex. 20:5. SOCIETY AND PROFESSED CHRISTIANITY WOULD HAVE ALL TO BELIEVE THAT OBSERVING CHRISTMAS AND TEACHING ABOUT SANTA IS DONE IN THE NAME OF CHRIST TO REMEMBER HIS UNKNOWN BIRTHDAY. Is observing Christmas Christ's will or the will of another spirit being, posing as Christ? People literally raise up Santa and put him on a throne at the Christmas season and exalt him in conjunction with all the sun-god customs and practices of Christmas, as setting up a tree with all the lights, candles, yule logs and songs that seem so joyous and wonderful, but oh so deceiving! Jesus Christ said there would be false Christs, false imaginations, creations and images of Him worshipped by many people and showing great wonders like as the Christmas season, and if possible would deceive even the elect, Mat. 24:5-24. Why not the elect, because they are not deceived about the requirements for salvation and understand what is idolatry and have repented of this sin, a sin God greatly hates, Deut. 7: 25-26, Deut. 8:19-20. CAN A CONFESSED CHRISTIAN, WHO HAS REPENTED OF THE SINS OF IDOLATRY AND THE WORSHIP OF IDOLS IN HIS LIFE, JOIN IN AND BE A PART OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON? Christmas was founded in idolatry and still carries with it the worship of the Santa idol and all of the idolatrous, sun-worship practices and symbols, but because Christ's name has been added to it, people reason erroneously that Christmas and Santa Claus has been Christianized. Oh what a deception! This is not only idolatry, but taking Christ's Name in vain as well, and joining His Holy Righteous name to idols and idolatry, and doing despite against His spirit of grace, Heb. 10:28-31, also II Cor. 6:14-17. This is works of unholiness and will reap the wages of sin! Jesus Christ has given no one, preacher, church or whatever, permission and authority to use His Name in conjunction with the season's symbols of sun-god worship, and the extolling of Santa Claus. Then who has given churches permission? It is Satan, who has deceived the whole world, Rev. 12:9, and set up false Christ worship in all the churches, II Cor. 4:4 and study II Cor. 11:13-15. THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, WITH THE EXTOLLING OF THE SANTA CLAUS IDOL, IS THE FRUIT OF MAN'S LIVING FROM THE "TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL." Man, as a self-appointed god, Gen. 3:5, justifies his decision to observe Christmas in its' spirit, as his own choice, and to follow his own and his church's standard of what is "good and evil" even if it is contrary to God's law and God's spirit. However, and whenever a man is converted to God's way and desires to choose the "tree of life," he comes to see from this choice, that only God knows what is good and evil, and it is God's standard of measurements--His Ten Commandments, that man must acknowledge as the only way of love and real joy. The excuse, Satan's preachers teach that no one can keep Christ's Ten Commandments by denying God's power to help them, will not protect anyone from God's judgment. God's Word still stands--the wages of sin is death, not life,, Rom. 6:23, II Peter 2:2, II Tim. 3:5. THE MAN-GODS OF PROFESSED CHRISTIANITY REASON FROM THEIR CHURCH, THE FAMILY "TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL" THAT ROM. 14: 3-6 GIVES THEM THEIR JUSTIFICATION IN CHOOSING AND ESTEEMING ANY DAY FOR THE SABBATH OR HOLY DAY, SUCH AS CHRISTMAS, SUNDAY AND EASTER, WITH NO REMORSE OR GUILT OF COMMANDMENT TRANSGRESSION. Is this Paul's teaching? Do these verses give a believer permission to cast off, denounce and forget God's commanded 7th Day Sabbath, and His Holy Days--making light of why Christ died, Heb. 10:26-29? Of course not! That would be ridiculous! These verses are teaching that no one is to judge a believer that esteems a certain day for fasting and prayer to praise and draw close to his Master, Jesus Christ, and it's meaning was in no way meant to forget his Master's weekly 7th Day Sabbath, or His annual Holy Days, Mark 2:28, Ex. 20:8. Professed Christianity uses Rom. 14:3-6 to justify their sins and of exercising their self-imposed right as "gods" to choose the Sabbath and Holy Days the Master of the Bible says are to be holy! Romans 14 is not about God's law or his established doctrine but about one's freedom in choosing optional, personal areas of worship in his life not based on God's laws. SANTA CLAUS IS A GREATLY ADMIRED IDOL OF CHRISTMAS THAT PARENTS LIE ABOUT AND TEACH TO THEIR CHILDREN THAT TAKES THE PLACE OF GOD. Santa Claus is raised up in Christmas parades, at parties and brought into American homes against the will of Jesus Christ, and is an abomination to God. Christ says, "Come out of it and be ye separate," II Cor. 6:16-18, I Cor. 6:9-10, Gal. 5:19-21. Written by Don & Nina Young